Present Tense

The Art of Memphis, 2001-Now

Tommy Foster
This Must Be My Lucky Day
video, 14 minutes

Artist Tommy Foster

Courtesy of the artist, Tommy Foster

This Must Be My Lucky Day, started with collecting broken and discarded Wonder Horses.  To him they were neither junk nor scraps, but instead conveyed a certain intangible feeling, as if they were toy survivors of someone's childhood. He used them for various art projects from photography to several sculptural installations. In his words, "When I was finished with them I just couldn't throw them away, so I had this idea to release them to nature, sort of set them free." Foster is a longtime Memphis artist and entrepreneur, founding and selling the Pyramid Club downtown, and Java Cabana in Cooper Young where he regaled locals and visitors alike with his coin-operated folk art Elvis shrines and the legendary Elvis Wedding Chapel.

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